Advisor Baseer Khan reviews arrangements regarding prevention of COVID-19 Emphasise on strict enforcement of wearing masks, social distancing


JAMMU, JULY 25: Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Baseer Khan, today e-reviewed measures being put in place by various health care institutions regarding prevention and control of COVID-19 during a meeting with officers of Kashmir division.
Advisor had a detailed assessment about the prevailing situation arisen due to outbreak of the global pandemic and its management by all concerned agencies in Kashmir division.
While reviewing the steps being taken up to control the spread of COVID-19, he stressed upon all the Deputy Commissioners to ensure strict enforcement of all SOPs and guidelines like wearing masks and maintaining social distancing in their respective districts. He directed them to deal strictly with the violators and impose fine on them.
Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole, Deputy Commissioners of Kashmir Division, Director SKIMS Soura, Kashmir, Director Health Services Kashmir, Principal GMC Srinagar and other senior officers of the concerned departments attended the meeting through video conferencing.
Advisor sought feedback from all the Deputy Commissioners regarding the measures being implemented by them towards containment and management of Corona Virus in their respective districts.
Baseer Khan directed the Deputy Commissioners of Kashmir Division and the divisional administration to ensure hundred percent screening and testing of vulnerable patients suffering from the critical diseases like Diabetes, Cancer, Hypertension and undergoing Dialysis besides those who are 60 years and above.
Advisor emphasized upon the officers to ensure that guidelines issued by the government regarding COVID-19 are strictly adhered to and there is no violation of the lockdown measures in red zone areas. He also asked them to conduct aggressive and intensive testing in their respective districts especially in the red zone areas.
Advisor further directed that every step must be taken up to ensure availability of essential commodities, medicines and other items in the red zone and lockdown areas at the door steps. He also asked them to generate more and more awareness among the general public about the dreaded infection and involve them in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.
The officers expressed satisfaction about the availability of the facilities with regard to medicines and other infrastructure in their respective institutions.
Advisor stressed upon the concerned to increase manpower and bed capacity in the hospitals so that the patients don’t suffer on this account.
Meanwhile, Advisor also discussed the arrangements to be put in place for celebration of upcoming festival of Eid-ul-Azha. He instructed the concerned officials to keep a strict vigil over profiteering and black-marketing of essential commodities during the festive days.


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