Scientists should take the Responsibility to Communicate Science: Prof. Ranjana – Sach News Network Jammu Kashmir Ladakh | Daily Sach

Scientists should take the Responsibility to Communicate Science: Prof. Ranjana – Sach News Network Jammu Kashmir Ladakh | Daily Sach

20 NOV,Delhi: “If scientists don’t communicate, non-experts will start communicating and then the cloud of misinformation and disinformation would emerge, therefore it is essential to make our scientists involved in the significant job of science communication”. Prof. Ranjana Aggarwal, Director of CSIR-NIScPR (National Institute of Science Communication & Policy Research) shared these thoughts during her inaugural address in the ‘Contact Session on Health Communication’ organized by CSIR-NIScPR in association with ICMR (Indian Council of Medical research) on 16 Nov. 2022. She said, we learnt a lot of lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic in the recent past and we saw how science communication played a very crucial role to eradicate unscientific things during those days of uncertainty. This programme was attended by 30 scientists of various laboratories of ICMR.

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