DSEJ organizes mass online counselling on the theme “Life beyond marks”


JAMMU: In order to help and counsel the students whose result for class 10th and 12th were recently announced, Directorate of School Education Jammu through its counselling cell organised a webinar on the topic “Life Beyond Marks” with special focus on dealing  with  an academic setback in life due to unfavourable examination result.

Anuradha Gupta, Director School Education Jammu was the chief guest for the event whereas Rajesh Vashisth, NCERT was the guest speaker. Shria Abrol, RCI certified counsellor, Sheebali Lalotra, counselling psychologist and career counsellor, Ravneet Kaur, consultant psychologist, Dr. Sudhir Singh, Joint  Secretary JKBOSE, Kuldeep Sharma, Assistant Secretary JKBOSE  were the other panelists.

The webinar was attended online as well as followed on the official Facebook page of the councelliing cell of the Directorate of School Education Jammu by a large number of participants including students, parents , teacher counsellors and other stake holders.

Rajesh Vashisth, while addressing the participants, said that failure should not be seen as a hurdle but as a chance to try again and rise. It makes one stronger and better prepared to face the difficulties of life. One should share the joys and sorrows of life with others and try to live in present, always ready to march forward instead of getting stuck in the past.

Speaking on the occasion, Director School Education Jammu Anuradha Gupta motivated and inspired everyone by sharing her own relatable life experiences and  encouraged the students to work hard to achieve their aim in life, advising them to identify the problem areas and work on them diligently.  “Be honest to yourself and set it as your motto in life”, she added.

Appealing to the parents, she asked them to not to be judgmental towards their children or succumb to the societal pressure. One should never discourage children by doubting their ability, instead always be encouraging and supportive of their efforts. She highlighted that we should try to raise “happy children” and the success will follow.

Dr. Sudhir Singh, Joint Secretary JKBOSE infused confidence among the students and appreciated the efforts of the teachers who evaluated the answer scripts and helped in preparing the examination result on time in-spite of the COVID-19 pandemic constraints.

Kuldeep Sharma, Assistant Secretary, JKBOSE addressed the doubts and apprehensions of the students related to re-evaluation and re-checking of answer scripts.

Queries related to academic setbacks, dealing with distractions, stress management, suicide prevention, offbeat careers, coping during stressful times, re-evaluation results, low marks, parental perspective on marks, etc. were attended to by the panelists and experts during  the  Question & Answer session.

Romesh Kumar Sharma, Head Counselling Cell DSEJ moderated the programme and assured that the Councelliing cell will keep organising such webinars in the future as well.

Alka Sharma, member Counselling Cell DSEJ in her formal vote of thanks acknowledged the contributions of Counsellor Shanti Saroop Sharma and Shveta Sharma of team Counselling cell DSEJ and thanked UNICEF and JKKN for  providing technical support and help in organising the webinar. 


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