No Black Fungus case detected in Jammu in recent months: HoD Opthalmology


As if the Covid pandemic wasn’t enough, another scare has gripped the public. An infection by the name of Black Fungus is targeting people in some parts of the country after recovering from Covid-19, and if not treated in time, it is as deadly as its name. Thankfully, Head of Ophthalmology Department at Government Medical College Jammu, Dr Satish Gupta has assured that nothing much is lost and that Black Fungus has always been there.Dispelling the apprehensions, the HoD said, ‘So far we have not witnessed any case of Black Fungus Infection in the recent months. The only patient we have had came in the month of November, last year, and was successfully treated. I request all those recovered from Covid-19 to keep cautious and continue observing Covid appropriate behaviour’.Dr Satish Gupta said that Black Fungus usually targets Covid-recovered persons with uncontrolled diabetes or those who have administered prolonged or unsupervised dosage of steroids. ‘Cancer patients, those who have undergone organ transplant and people with weak immunity are more susceptible to Black Fungus” he added.The doctor advised the public not to confuse Conjunctivitis with the Black Fungus Infection and said, ‘Conjunctivitis is a routine infection and is easily curable; while the latter has recently caught public’s attention due to Covid and needs timely intervention’. He particularly advised the susceptible population to keep diabetes under check and warned all against unsupervised use of steroids.The symptoms of Rhino-oculo Cerebral Mucormycosis, the medical term for Black Fungus Infection, includes stiffness or blood stained/ black discharge from nose; pain, bulging (proptosis), restriction in movement, drooping of eye/s, swelling, black lesion around eye/s and loss of vision; and death if in case the infection reaches brain.The doctor appealed the public to keep following Covid appropriate behaviour so as to avoid Covid and post Covid issues altogether.Dr Satish Gupta informed that all Covid-related queries and doubts can be cleared on the helpline number 0191 2571616. Public can also call Divisional Control Room at 0191-2520982, 2549676, 2674444, 2674115, 2674908. ‘Moreover, J&K Government has started a live phone-in health programme on Gulistan channel which is aired twice daily- from 8:30 am to 9 am and 8:30 pm to 9 pm. Eminent doctors respond to public queries during the programme. Anybody from the public can call on the above-mentioned Divisional Control Room phone numbers and seek information related to Covid treatment, home isolation and other non-Covid health problem’, he said.


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