‘Substandard pesticides a threat to Kashmiri apple industry’


Srinagar, 14-Sep;Fruit growers in Kashmir say their crops are under threat from spurious pesticides in circulation. The government agrees it is a matter of concern but points out that its role in the pesticides market is not a direct one beyond checking and licensing; private players handle the import. Bilal Ahmad, a distributor, said they import pesticides from companies based outside the state. “Unfortunately officials blame us for all the fake products and take no action against the manufacturers.”Apple industry in Kashmir is at the verge of extinction. If the government won’t take comprehensive measures then this important industry which has been the backbone of the economy of the state will perish forever” said Ghulam Nabi, a fruit Grower.He said the spurious pesticides are damaging the ‘apple crop’ in Kashmir.He said the horticulture department has failed to address the issue and despite the assurance to the growers insecticides and pesticides are being imported to Kashmir.The Association appealed to the government to take immediate steps to stop the supply and selling of spurious pesticides in the market to save the industry.”Most of the growers are illiterate and they easily get lured by cheap pesticides,” says Bashir Ahmad, local dealer. “Besides, some companies use novel methods to dupe unwary growers like altering the spelling of trade names to resemble that of major companies,” he adds.”We are following every direction of the state government regarding the use of pesticides in our orchards. Despite that, our crop production is deteriorating day by day. We believe that pesticides trade has become a money minting trade for some influential people who are close to the corridors of secretariat here and these people are involved in the supply of spurious pesticides to the growers,” Abdul Majid said.While speaking to , Director General horticulture Aijaz Ahmad said that due to Covid lockdown last year, they were not able to conduct the market checkups, However he claimed that this year he has kept his field staff alert and seized 9 quintal of spurious pesticide in Kulgam. “Despite checking of pesticide is not in our domain, Yet we have been working side by side with the growers .I have many times requested higher officials to allot enforcement wing to our department so that we can work better”, he added A senior bank official said that in some districts, the condition of apple growers is such that only a bumper and quality crop for at least five years can help them clear their debts.“Almost everyone has taken a loan. Some orchardists have taken Kissan Credit Card loans, some under their current accounts,” he said.At least half of the Kashmiri population, comprising about eight lakh families, directly dependent on horticulture, among which apple is the most important crop.(CNS)


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