All possible steps being taken to stop cultivation of Poppy, Cannabis across valley: Div Com


Chairs meeting to devise strategy to weed out drug menace
SRINAGAR, JUNE 30:- In order to stop the illegal cultivation of Poppy and Cannabis crops across the Kashmir Division, the Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole today convened a meeting to discuss the measures being taken to curb the menace of cannabis and poppy cultivation.
Divisional Commissioner said that all possible steps are being taken to stop cultivation of Poppy and Cannabis crops across the valley as early as possible so that drug menace will be weeded out completely from our society. He directed the concerned authorities to devise a concrete strategy so that cultivation of these harmful crops destroyed in government and private lands.
He asked for involving stakeholders in this noble cause and make people aware about harm effects of cannabis and poppy cultivation.
He also directed for conducting special drives as and registering formal FIRs against the cultivators once Revenue and Excise shares the details of cultivators with them. It was informed that the government intends to provide skill development and industrial training to the people involved in illicit consumption, cultivation and trade of poppy and cannabis through the Departments of industries and technical Education in order to provide them reasonable opportunities to earn their living. Rehabilitation plan with Departments of Floriculture, Agriculture, Horticulture and Argo Industries Development Corporation for making a policy on alternate crop development for farmers involved in illegal cultivation of poppy and cannabis and to divert their farm activities from illicit cultivation and adoption of cash crop for their livelihood
The Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Director Health Services Kashmir, Chief Engineer I&FC, Deputy Excise Commissioner and Officers from Agriculture, Horticulture, and other departments were present in the meeting, while as Deputy Commissioners of all Kashmir districts participated the meeting through video Conferencing.


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