National Epilepsy Day


EPILEPSY is a group of neurological disorders characterized by the tendency of a person to have seizures . it is simply a disorder of nervous system which have SEIZURE DISORDER as its other name. Seizure is the appearance of symptoms in a person due to abnormal and excessive nerve cell activity in brain .The results of this abnormal and excessive nerve activity is abnormal behavior and sensations and may cause loss of consciousness . Epilepsy has nothing to do with a age. it can happen to anyone . But, it is mostly found in people either over 65 or below 20 years of age .NOVMBER 17 , is considered as NATIONAL EPILEPSY DAY and spreading awareness about it is important for everyone . Rather you or someone you know is suffering from it or not ,having an understanding of what this problem is , is important . This article help you get an understanding of causes ,triggering factors , possible treatments that helps control the problem, its types and precautionary measures . The symptoms of epilepsy are usually self diagnosable .


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