People Suffers in Langate Constituency due to Tussle between political parties.


Kupwara, August,11 :- Qaziabad Development Initiative (QDI) Chairman Mohd Munawar Khawaja today on wednesday in his statement said that the political tussle between District Development Council (DDC) Chairman and Block Development Council (BDC) has halted the developmental process in Langate Constituency especially in Qaziabad block.Munawar Khawaja said that, those who are not able to fulfill the demands of public, should give resignation from these block development Council posts and should give chance to those who have ability to change the developmental scenario.Khawaja also added the cock fight between DDC Chairman and BDC has not stopped the process of development but has also halted the process of approval in the office of Assistant Commissioner Development. The chairman urged the higher authorities of Union Territory and District Development Commissioner, Imam Din to intervene in (CNS)


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