Ridiculing and insulting THE Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is intolerable and unacceptable; Grand Mufti Nasir-Ul-Islam


    Srinagar,06-Dec; Jammu and Kashmir’s Grand Mufti has come down heavily on publisher for drawing blasphemous image of Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) and Angel Gabriel, demanded that the publisher should be arrested immediately for hurting religious sentiments..Grand Mufti Nasir-UL-Islam said that Ridiculing and insulting the Holiest figure of Islam is intolerable and unacceptable. Accepted belief by Allah authorities is that the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and all other prophets cannot be drawn and cannot be produced in pictures, more so imaginary, because they are according to Islamic faith, infallible individuals , role models and therefore should in no case be presented in any manner that might cause, overtly or covertly, disrespected for them and for Islam as a whole in letter or spirit, besides the move being fraught with crime of idolatry, that is to say an image rather than the divine belief it symbolizes can become the object of worship and veneration.“Tendering an apology after propagating and providing written stuff to accomplish their nefarious design, to our upcoming innocent teenaged children is a mockery”, Mufti added.The abominable act of drawing such hurtful imaginary images of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), is the vilest of sins and a serious religious offence which is apt to enrage the entire Muslim Ummah.The climax of disrespecting Islam is the latest move by some publishers to have included such imaginary images of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Angel Gabriel in the educational syllabus/curriculum at primary level possibly with a sinistrous and unholy design (God Forbid) of influencing, inculcating and embedding the minds of the students that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was one like other individual with worldly wisdom or some specialties finding place in their curriculum thereby belittling His(PUBH) distinct grace qualities and virtues showered upon Him(PUBH) by none else than the Almighty Allah who exclusively owns and commands the entire universe .“The least that has to be done, is that the publisher needs to be booked for igniting communal unrest, disharmony and disorder; and on the other every individual book containing this stuff needs to be got withdrawn from the market and from each every school/collage; and every institution head certifying that the same has been done”, Grand Mufti demanded.(CNS)


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