Reasi Admin intensifies enforcement of notified minor mineral rates


Reasi: To curb illegal mining and to execute notified rates of minor minerals, district administration Reasi is conducting simultaneous inspections across the district.Continuing the drive, Deputy Commissioner Reasi Charandeep Singh today deputed teams of revenue officers, police and officials of the Mining department to launch a crackdown at different locations of the district including Chasana, Arnas, Kanjali, Salal and Pouni areas. The teams seized 4 vehicles involved in illegal mining and transportation of mining material in violation of mining rules. District Mineral Officer, Reasi (DMO) along with revenue officials sent to Salal block No.27 from where a series of complaints against contractors were pouring in through local people and social media. An excavator machine used in illegal mining was seized on the spot, there.The teams also inspected the Minor Mineral blocks to check the display of the notified rates, mining in demarcated area and within prescribed limits.Further, local people, PRIs residing near mining blocks were requested to keep eye on the mining activities and immediately report the matter of Overcharging or illegal mining to the concerned tehsildars or control room DC office Reasi.


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