Indira Gandhi Govt Dental College starts full-fledged OPD services


JAMMU: Indira Gandhi Government, Dental College, in its continuous endeavor to facilitate general public and patients, has started full-fledged OPD services with extension of timings and In house RAT testing.The new OPD timings will be 10.00 Am to 1 to 4 PM with a break of one hour in between to maintain sterilization and sanitization protocols.The RAT testing facility will avoid inconvenience to the general public and will further provide safety and prevent exposure to the Hospital Staff.The COVID 19 Facility was inaugurated by Dr. Rakesh K. Gupta, Principal IGGDC, Jammu who wholeheartedly thanked LT. Governor and Financial Commissioner, H&ME, Atal Dulloo for providing permission and support.Dr. Rubeena Anjum, Prof & HOD, Oral Pathology will be the overall incharge of the testing centre and Dr. Satvinder Singh, HOD Oral Medicine & Radiology & Dr. Iqbal Singh, HOD Public Health Dentistry will be the co-ordinator of the testing centre.CMO Jammu, Dr. J.P. Singh and the HODs of the college, Medical Superintendent, were present on this occasion.


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