Central Heating System: Mechanical Division Refutes allegations of GMC Baramulla GMC Authorities failed to provide us Diesel: CHD Sgr


Srinagar ,19 Jan: The Mechanical division Srinagar, on Wednesday refuted allegations that it has failed to restore the central heating system in GMC Baramulla.While refuting the allegations of GMC Baramulla regarding non functional of Central Heating System, Assistant Executive Engineer, Mechanical Hospital & Central Heating Division Srinagar told Current News Service that In OPD Block of GMC Baramulla, Central Heating System is Non Functional because of non availability of Diesel which GMC was supposed to Provide and IPD Side is not an responsibility of Mechanical as that side had never been functional.“There is totally no Fault from Mechanical Department to Start Heating System in the hospital but till date GMC Authorities have failed to Provide us Diesel for the operation of Central Heating System in OPD Block”, She added. Meanwhile a letter which Mechanical Department has dispatched to GMC Baramulla reads as” It is pertinent to mention the performance of AC’s during Sub temperature is a question of debate and that too in the hospital, where the heat losses are more prevalent.”In the hospital AC’s are meant for 2nd Line of defence and are to be used to supplement the Central heating System because of severe cold conditions to meet the exigencies and to provide comfortable conditions during the shutdown of Central heating system”‘‘It is also requested to provide Diesel for running of the Central heating system of OPD block in the first instance so as to mitigate the problem of the patients due to the cold weather conditions in the interest of patient care”She further added that after receiving letter on 02 Nov 2021 Mechanical Department has already tested Heating System in OPD Side & kept it ready for operation but non availability of Diesel has Made whole System non functional due to which Patients are suffer.It is pertain to mention, that the Central Heating System in GMC Baramulla is still non functional and defunct due to the reasons better known to Concerned Authorities only .(CNS)


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