3 Jammu soldiers among Arunachal avalanche victims


Three soldiers among seven, who died in the avalanche in Arunachal Pradesh on February 6, belonged to Jammu.“As per the reports, two of the soldiers whose bodies were recovered belonged to Jammu and one from Kathua,” said a police official. They have been identified as Vishal Sharma, of Akhnoor; Yougal Sharma of Jammu and Arun Katal of Kathua.They were serving in the 19 JAK Rifles and were posted at Arunachal’s Kameng sector.A pall of gloom descended on the houses of three soldiers. A defence official said all deceased soldiers were from 19 JAK Rifles. “Three were from Jammu and two each from Himachal Pradesh and Punjab,” he added.Defence minister Rajnath Singh has expressed his condolences over the deaths. In a tweet, he wrote, “Deeply pained by the demise of Indian Army personnel who were struck by an avalanche in Kemang Sector, Arunachal Pradesh. These brave soldiers lost their lives while serving the nation. I salute their courage and service. My heartfelt condolences to their bereaved families.”Vice-president Venkaiah Naidu also shared his grief over the loss of the lives. “Deeply saddened by the loss of lives of Army personnel who were struck by an avalanche while on a patrol at a high altitude area in Arunachal Pradesh.”


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