MCA observes Swachhta special campaign 2.0 since beginning of Oct, 2022 – Sach News Network Jammu Kashmir Ladakh | Daily Sach

MCA observes Swachhta special campaign 2.0 since beginning of Oct, 2022 – Sach News Network Jammu Kashmir Ladakh | Daily Sach

21 OCT, Delhi :The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Government of India, is observing the Swachhta special campaign 2.0 since the beginning of the month of Oct, 2022. Apart from MCA Headquarter, the Regional Offices like O/o Regional Directors & Officials Liquidators and one attached office i.e., Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) are actively participating in this special campaign.In the preparatory phase, all offices under MCA were apprised about the campaign and directed to identify the pendency and other parameters, besides directions to select the campaign sites.During this campaign phase, special efforts are being made by the MCA, Regional Offices & attached office to dispose off all pendency and other work identified during the preparatory phase. Progress in this direction is being monitored and reviewed by Additional Secretary & Joint Secretary level officers and the achievement in different parameters are uploaded on daily basis on SCPDM portal, especially the progress of review and weeding of old physical files, public grievances, PMO references, State Government references, MP references, Parliamentary assurances, campaign sites, beautification and cleanliness in office premises and disposal of old and unserviceable items.In the 3rd Week of Special Campaign, out of 23 campaign sites 12 sites have been completed. A total number of 18,047 physical files have been reviewed and out of it 13,551 files have been identified for weeding and so far 7,131 number of files have been weeded out. All pending PMO & MP references have been disposed off, large number of Public grievances have also been cleared. Revenue amounting to Rs. 21 lakh (approx.) has been generated after disposal of scrap material.

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