S.J.M Gillani-IPS felicitates Sadia Tariq for bagging Gold Medal at Wushu Stars C’ship


    Jammu ,03-March: S.J.M Gillani-IPS ADGP Armed J&Kfelicitated Sadia Tariq for bringing laurels to India following her remarkable performance in Wushu Stars Championship-2022 held in Moscow, Russia on February 22, 2022, in which Sadia defeated Russia and Kazakhstan and bagged Gold Medal.In order to encourage Sadia and inspire other daughters of J&KUT, an impressive felicitation ceremony was held in APHQ today which was attended by a number of officers and officials of APHQ includingMahmood Ahmed-JKPS SSP Staff Officer to ADGP Armed J&K, SyedSajad Hussain Pvt. Secy. to ADGP Armed J&K/ DySP Sports APHQ,Dronacharya Awardee/ Chief Coach of Wushu India Inspr. Kuldeep Handoo, Incharge CST APHQ J&K Inspr. Nissar Ahmad Mir, Inspr. Younis Malik MTO APHQ, SI Abdul Rashid PA to ADGP Armed J&K and Mohd Hussain I/c Sports Branch APHQ. Besides, Tariq Ahmad Lone proud father of Sadia Tariq and Vijay Saraf President Wushu Association J&K were also present on the occasion.ADGP Armed J&K S.J.M Gillani-IPS and other participants of theFelicitating ceremony congratulated Sadia Tariq on winning Gold Medal in Moscow Wushu Stars Championship-2022 and wished her more success in future.On observing her dedication, talent and mental strength, 15 years old Sadia daughter of Tariq Ahmad Lone resident of Bemina Srinagar J&K was encouraged by Inspr. Kuldeep Handoo-Dronaharya Awardee and Chief Coach of India in Wushu to Switch from Taekwondo to Wushu and now she has become an inspiration for budding sports persons from J&K UT.(CNS)


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