One nabbed with 575 kg Poppy straw


    JAMMU: Jammu police achieved a major success by recovering 575 Kg of Poppy straw from an accused on a naka at TCP Nagrota.”Based on the input generated by the local intelligence, dedicated police teams of Jammu police were constituted and several nakas were laid and checking was heightened,” a police spokesperson said. He said that on one such naka laid by a team of police station Nagrota and SOG Jammu jointly at TCP Nagrota, one suspect who tried to flee on being signaled to stop, was rounded up.He said that the accused identified as Aamir Sultan Wani son of Mohd Sultan Wani of Dialgam (Anantnag) was on its way from Kashmir region to Punjab, in a vehicle bearing registration number JK03C-7806.On search, 575 Kg of poppy straw was recovered from illegal possession of the accused, the official said, adding, the accused was arrested and a case FIR number 364/2021 under Section 8/15 of NDPS Act was registered against him at police station Nagrota.The arrest and recovery was made by SHO police station Nagrota Inspector Mohd Showkat under the supervision of SDPO Nagrota Parupkar Singh.


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